FAQ: Flows - Table of Contents
Question: How do I set up a Flow from within the Navgar application?
Please see Creating Flows in Navgar
Question: Who can build a Flow? What are the permissions for the Flow Module?
The table below should provide clarity to roles within your organization as relates to Flows. Please contact an Admin within your organization if you do not currently have the right permissions for your role.
| Admin | Flow Editor | Normal User |
Tasks in Flows |
Can the user be assigned a task in a flow? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Flow instances: e.g. "Invoice - 3345 - InterAssign" - in "Paying Invoices" flow |
Can see instances they are a member of: | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Can see instances they are not a member of: | Yes | No | No |
Flow building |
Can build / edit | Yes | Yes | No |
Question: How do I know which Flows are running so I don't launch and duplicate an instance that is already running?
You can check by going to the Flows module of the Navgar application and click on Running Flows. Here you will see for your Flow the count of Instances Running, Overdue Tasks, New Mentions, and New Messages.
Question: How can I monitor progress on a running Flow?
You can check by going to the Flows module of the Navgar application, locate and click on View Details of the Flow you want to monitor, and then click on Running Flows. You can see the ratio of tasks completed to those included to the flow, the percentage of progress and identify Flow Tasks that are overdue.
Question: If I delete a Flow Group, will the Flows contained within it be deleted as well?
No. If you delete a Flow Group, any Flows contained will revert to the No Flow Group category. See Organizing Flows for more information on this subject
Question: If I want to cancel a Subflow while it is running, should I cancel the Flow from Running Flows?
Canceling a Flow from Running Flows will cancel the entire Flow, not just the Subflow. Please see Canceling Subflows
Question: If I have batches of tasks in my Flow that can be performed asynchronously but others that must be linear, can my Flow reflect these differing requirements?
Absolutely! With Navgar's parallel steps, you are able to customize your Flow to maintain the order of events that must be performed sequentially but also assign clusters of tasks within the same sequence that can be delivered simultaneously and asynchronously completed. Please see Creating Flows: Setting Parallel Steps for more information.